

Regular school attendance is one of the basic building blocks for a child's current and future achievements, both at school and beyond. The school has a target for attendance to be above 96% over the school year and regularly monitors attendance and absences.

A child whose attendance drops below 90% is classed as a Persistent Absentee. Pupils with low attendance are monitored and parents are contacted to discuss the support which may be offered. Parenting Contracts are used to try and prevent attendance from falling further and legal action, which may include the issuing of Penalty Notices, being taken. A child with 90% attendance will have missed 20 days off school, compared to the class average og 8 days

In the case of any absences from school, or absence from an activity e.g. swimming, it is important to inform the school either by personal visit, letter or telephone call. Any unexplained absences will be entered as unauthorised absences in the child’s records.

Medical and dental appointements, where possible, should be arranged out of school hours or during school holidays.

Parents wishing to take their child out of school during term time must firstly seek permission from the Headteacher. There is no right to take a child out of school during term time for holiday and no holiday absence will be authorised. Absence Request forms are available from and returnable to the school office. The school is unable to authorise any leave unless the circumstances are exceptional.

Should an attendance issue arise, Susan Jenkins our Family Support Advisor would be your first point of contact.