Mrs C Murray
Deputy Head
Our PE lessons take place on a Tuesday and Wednesday. Please bring your child to school in their PE kit on these day. PE Kit: Plain black jogging bottoms, school light blue PE t-shirt and black trainers. Please do not send your children to school in laced trainers unless they can tie them themselves. Trainers are only to be worn on PE days. Please ensure everything is labelled with your child’s name on.
Books and Bookbags
Please send your child to school with their St. Catherine’s school bookbag every day. Backpacks are not permitted. Please read daily with your child and ensure that reading books and records are kept in bookbags.
New spellings will be sent home each Friday and children should write a sentence for each of their spelling words reading to bring back into school on Wednesday. Children will also have Lexia and TTRS passwords for them to practice Reading and Times Tables two or three times a week.
Water Bottles
Please send your child to school with their own water bottle every day. Please do not fill your child’s water bottles with juice, plain water only. We replenish the water throughout the day.