
Year 1

Mrs M Ahmed

Year 1 class teacher


Welcome to Year 1!


In Year 1 we move from studying the EYFS curriculum to the National curriculum. Our subjects are English, Maths, RE, Science, History, Geography, Computing, Art and Design, Design and Technology, PE, Music and PSHE.  

The most important thing to remember about Year 1 is we are so busy having fun learning that we don’t realise that we are learning. The second most important thing to remember is that at the end of the year children have to complete the phonics check. I will let you know more about this throughout the year.

PE is on a Tuesday and a Thursday. On PE days please come to school in your PE kit,  a school PE t-shirt, joggers, leggings or shorts and trainers.

In Year 1 we gradually start to introduce children to homework as this gets them used to what is expected in the rest of the school. We will begin by sending your child’s reading book home, you should try and read with your child each day even if they can read the book fluently as this will help with comprehension. In Autumn term 2 we will introduce your children to spellings, their spellings will go home on a Friday and will be tested the following Friday. Children will also take home some alien words to read to help prepare them for the phonics check.  In spring term we will also get children to use numbots regularly at home to support the work they are doing in Mastering number.


In Year 1 we have the same behaviour system as the rest of the school. We have five golden rules that need to be followed and children are rewarded for positive behaviour with house points. There is also a well done assembly at the end of the week where children are awarded well done certificates.


Once you are in my class you are able to contact me over SeeSaw, please come and see me if your child is not registered on SeeSaw.  If there is anything else you wish to discuss with me please come and see me after school.