Children are encouraged to participate in the life of the Church and there are regular School Masses to celebrate important times in the year. Parents, friends, relations and parishioners are welcome to join us.
Once each half-term a Children’s Specially Welcome Mass is held at St Dominic’s, the parish from which the school is derived. These take place on a Sunday and all children and their families are invited to attend.
Class or school acts of collective worship are held every day. Pupils study other world faiths as part of the RE programme and visit places of worship to support their learning.
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from Religious Education lessons. However, by accepting a place at the school, parents understand the school’s Christian foundation and currently no children are withdrawn from lessons.
Rosary Club
During the months of October and May, children from across the school gather on a Tuesday lunchtime for Rosary Club. This is an opportunity for the children to offer up their own prayers and personal intentions to God while praying the rosary. Prayers are led by the children and a member of staff is present to co-ordinate the club.
Mini Vinnies at St. Catherine’s
We are extremely proud to be part of the St. Vincent de Paul Society – Mini Vinnies. Our Mini Vinnies group has representatives from Year 3 to Year 6 who live out the mission of St Vincent by helping local charities and supporting people in our own school and parish community. We work closely with Blackfriar’s Community Centre supporting them at Christmas and at a variety of events throughout the school year. This is such a valuable experience for our children as they strive to make changes both locally and globally, and to develop the prayer life of our school.
What happens at a Mini Vinnies’ meeting?
Our Mini Vinnies group meet once a week during break-time.
Our ‘President’ leads the meeting and organises the group. Miss Cunningham and Miss. Cummings co-ordinates the group and gives help and practical advice. The President opens the meeting with a prayer.
A short spiritual reading/reflection/piece of music/meditation follows. The Group members take turns to do this.
Group members then talk about the Mini Vinnies’ activities they have done since the previous meeting.
Any future plans are then discussed.
The President concludes the meeting with a prayer.
Faith in Action
The Faith in Action Award encourages young people through recognising, rewarding and celebrating their active faith lived out through service and reflection. The Award helps them connect their life and faith in a tangible manner.
In journeying through the Award, young people should experience a deepening of their relationship with God and find themselves exploring that relationship. It is hoped that through their relationship and action, others will see God's love through them.
Children in Year 6 at St Catherine’s work towards the Pin Level. They keep a prayer journal which is evidence of all their outstanding work throughout the year, both at home and at school. The RE Governor, parish priest and Miss Hoey moderate these journals at the end of the year. Children in Year 6 work with members of our local community, visit our parish Church regularly, greet parishioners, serve tea and raise an incredible amount of money during Lent for our local charities in Newcastle. We are extremely proud of the outstanding work our children and families do.