

Welcome to our Reception class page!


In our classroom we have Miss Calvert (class teacher) and Mrs Nixon (nursery nurse).



A typical morning in Reception consists of daily Phonics, Literacy, Reading, singing and story time. In an afternoon we have Maths, story time and an addition focus such as RE, PE, PSED, UTW and Music. The children have continuous access to our different areas of provision and participate in weekly whole school and class Celebration of the Word, special guest assemblies and Well Done assemblies.


Please see below for key information.




We listen to the children read on a daily basis. Please ensure that reading records and books are brought into school everyday.



Children should have a book bag to carry letters, reading book and reading record. This is to come to school every day. No backpacks please as we have limited space in our cloakroom.


Water bottles 

Please send your child to school with their own water bottle every day. Please do not fill your child’s water bottles with juice, plain water only. We replenish the water throughout the day.


School Meals 

A reminder that school meals are free in Reception. We highly encourage parents to let their children have a free school meal as we believe it is important for children to try a variety of food and enjoy a hot meal.


P.E kits 

Your child will come to school in their PE kit on PE days. The school PE kit should include: a blue t-shirt, blue or black shorts/jogging bottoms and trainers. Please ensure your child wears Velcro trainers unless they are able to tie their shoelaces independently. PE will take place on a Tuesday and Friday.



Please continue to check Seesaw for key messages.


We are always available after school if you wish to discuss any issues or concerns. If you wish to arrange a more focused appointment, please contact the school office.


Thank you

Miss Calvert and Mrs Nixon